This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 772787.
AIM= study how genetic selection can help to increase resilience and efficiency in small ruminants (sheep and goats) in their environments and across a range of diverse environments
SMARTER =multiactor H2020 EUproject, €7 ml€, 4 years
12 countries, 26 partners (50% academic / 50% non-academic)
Around 30 Stakeholder partners to disseminate SMARTER results
46 breeds, 40 breeding organisations, 5,000 farmers
1,5 million sheep and goats (20% of EU’s livestock and impact on 70%)
Shared data: 500,000 phenotyped /70,000 genotyped animals
Activity News Box
26/06/2023 - EAAP SMARTER presenters 2023!
23/06/2023 - The 8th SMARTER newsletter is now available!
09/05/2023 - SMARTER training school great success!
13/03/2023 - National Round Table in Norway!