This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 772787.


UNIDEB prepared a video in Hungarian, targeting the public audience, to present the Hungarian results of SMARTER project for farmers (August 2022).

UNIDEB prepared a video in Hungarian, targeting the public audience, to present the scientific results of SMARTER project in Hungary (August 2022).

UNIDEB prepared a video targeting the public audience to present SMARTER project (September/October 2021).

UNILEON: Within the framework of the European Researchers’ Night (24 September 2021) and the Science Week (November 2021), with the aim of bringing research and researchers closer to the public and increasing the interest of young people in science, UNILEON prepared a video to present the SMARTER project. This video was the basis for an interactive event with secondary school students (in Spanish).


NSG: “How to reduce methane emissions from sheep?” (in Norwegian)

Seminar for the preparation of the H2020 SMARTER project:
“A meeting between livestock farmers and researchers to improve the efficiency and resilience of small ruminants”