This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 772787.
Joint Seminar of the FAO-CIHEAM Subnetworks on Sheep and Goat Nutrition and on Mediterranean Pastures and Forages!
The next Joint Seminar of the FAO-CIHEAM Subnetworks on Sheep and Goat Nutrition and on Mediterranean Pastures and Forages will be held in Catania, Sicily, from 27 to 29 September 2022, hosted by the University of Catania.
The Seminar will deal with the topic: “Alternative feed resources and their management for transiting towards a sustainable ruminant production: boosting the contribution of livestock and forage productions to sustainable agri food systems”. For the programme, the call for abstracts, submission procedure, and registration visit the website. Abstract submission deadline 15 February 2022.