This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 772787.
INRAE Transfert
INRAE Transfert is a subsidiary company of INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agricultural, Food and Environment) created in 2001 and located in six different locations in France (Paris, Nantes, Clermont-Ferrand, Toulouse, Montpelier and Narbonne). The company is strongly involved in the set-up and management of European research projects funded by the European Commission, and acts as an assistance team to the researchers. INRAE Transfert is a partner in nearly 30 European research and innovation projects under the Horizon 2020 programme, covering different aspects such as food, agriculture and the environment. It manages or has managed research projects from very large to smaller ones: (i) Large CP as ANIMALCHANGE, DROPS, NovelTree and TriticeaeGenome, PURE ; ii) infrastructures as NADIR, EXPEER, AQUAEXCEL; iii) integrated projects as BaSysBio; iv) networks of excellence as Evoltree, CoExtra and Endure, v) ERA-Net project such as JPI-FACCE and ANIHWA and vi) H2020 projects such as SAPHIR, Feed-a-gene, DIVERSIFOOD. The company also transfers research results into innovations acting as a bridge between research and businesses. The areas of expertise consist of biomass transformation processes, animal and plant production, the environment and food. In addition, INRAE Transfert promotes the development of innovative companies. To carry out these missions, INRAE Transfert has built a team of over 60 employees from various professions to support research and innovation throughout the R&D chain.