This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 772787.

The national roundtables: 10 major events to disseminate to national stakeholders

– by J.M. Astruc and C. Mosconi

Among dissemination events and communication to stakeholders, the national roundtables may be considered as a highlight in the SMARTER project, within the task 8.3 “dissemination and training for stakeholders”. These national roundtables are organized in 10 countries (the 9 European countries involved in SMARTER and Uruguay). The objective was to present the main practical results of the project to national stakeholders, in the local language to better reach the breeders, the organizations involved in genetics, inter-professional organizations, partners of research and development institutes, policy makers and newspapers. The targeted audience was at least 50 people for each individual roundtable.

The following table presents the schedule of the different roundtables. Some having already been done, and some still to come.

Country Organising partner Date Location
France RDF 5-6 April 2022 Sèvremont
Uruguay INIA_UY 21-22 April 2022 Tacuarembo
Hungary UNIDEB 22 April 2022 Debrecen
Spain UNILEON 6-8 June 2022 Valladolid (Foro Ovino)
Greece FRIZARTA 25 June 2022 Agrinio City
Ireland TEAGASC 12 July 2022 Thurles
Switzerland FIBL 17 November 2022 Entlebuch
UK SRUC 7 December 2022 Edinburgh
Italy ARAL 6-10 February 2023 Padenghe sul Garda
Norway NSG 17 February 2023 Tbd


Each organising country could rely on set of slides prepared by each technical work packages to present the objectives and the most relevant and practical achievements over the last 3 years. Beyond these common presentations, a custom part adapted to the needs of each country (traits-oriented, evaluation-oriented, breeding goals-oriented …) gave the opportunity to go further in the discussion and to interact with the stakeholders. Finally, a moment of exchanges / discussions with stakeholders was suggested, to get feedback on the results and possible ideas to add within the last year of SMARTER.

Videos and material are available on the dedicated webpage.