This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 772787.
Breaking News! SMARTER goes to Qatar to play the 2022 football world cup!
The Uruguayan national team will dress men suits made of superfine wool from Uruguayan producers with whom INIA worked for more than 20 years.
The national roundtables: 10 major events to disseminate to national stakeholders
Among dissemination events and communication to stakeholders, the national roundtables may be considered as a highlight in the SMARTER project, within the task 8.3 “dissemination and training for stakeholders”.
Influence of dietary protein restriction in prepubertal ewe lambs on first lactation milk traits and response to a mammary gland inflammatory challenge
In light of the increasing global protein prices and considering also the need to reduce nitrogen emissions from contemporary livestock production systems, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the potential effects of a protein restriction performed in prepuberal ewes, under commercial conditions, on first lactation milk production traits and the response triggered by an experimental inflammatory challenge of the mammary gland performed at the end of the first lactation.
Repeatability of health and welfare traits and correlation with performance traits in dairy goats reared under low-input farming systems
The sustainability of low-input pastoral farming systems raising dairy goats, depends partly on enhancing animal health and welfare status. However, research on between-animal (co)variation of health, welfare and production traits is scarce.
SMARTER Fourth Annual Meeting!
SMARTER has held its fourth annual meeting between the 18th and 19th May 2022. This was the second in person meeting which the SMARTER project has done since the first one in Edinburgh.
Postdoc researcher position available at INRAE!
The research unit INRAE GABI is looking for a postdoc researcher to work on animal breeding schemes design and modelisation to promote resilient agroecological production system. The position is located at INRAE Jouy-en-Josas, France and is for 24 months. The successful candidate will be more specifically in charge of: Developing conceptual models of animal breeding […]
The Climate Action Award: another SMARTER synergy!
Another good news related to the synergies that SMARTER is causing in Uruguay. An Uruguayan Merino farmer Gabriela Bordabehere (from La Soledad farm) and Gucci received The Climate Action Award at Milan Fashion Week SS2023. Gabriela´s farm together with other sheep producers are part of Nativa Regenerative Agriculture program (from Chargeurs Luxury Materials and Lanas Trinidad), in partnership with Gucci and supported […]
Breaking News !! SMARTER goes to Qatar to play the 2022 football world cup !!
The Uruguayan national team will dress men suits made of superfine wool from Uruguayan producers with whom INIA worked for more than 20 years. The idea was proposed during the Uruguayan SMARTER Round Table held on 21-22 April 2022 organized by INIA. A great collateral effect of SMARTER project. So let’s go Celeste!
Post-doctoral position at INRAE!
A Post-doctoral position on epigenetic footprints of environmental changes and epigenetic inheritance is available within the European project GEroNIMO. The position is full time for 3 years and based in Toulouse, France. The successful candidate will join a multi-disciplinary environment of geneticists, bioinformaticians and biostatisticians. Deadline: 1st October 2022. For more information and application read […]
Our farewell to Carole
We are deeply saddened to announce that Carole Moreno Romieux passed away recently. On behalf of GenPhySE colleagues, the SMARTER project and all those who knew her, we would like to express our deepest condolences to her husband and two daughters. Carole was a brilliant researcher, recognized by her peers around the world, and appreciated […]