This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 772787.

EAAP SMARTER Session, December 4th 2020 (online)

by C. Moreno There were 12 theatre presentations and 8 posters presented during the SMARTER session of EAAP meeting (Session 61). These presentations were undertaken by 7 SMARTER partners (INRAE, SRUC, TEAGASC, UNILEON, UEDIN, INIA-UY, UGUELPH) with the participation of 5 other partners (IDELE, NSG, NEIKER, AUTH, ABACUSBIO). Most of the presented results are not […]

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2nd Annual Meeting

by C. Moreno Due to the Covid19 crisis, the SMARTER 2nd annual meeting was postponed to summer 2021 in Leon University (Spain). We organized virtual meetings for WP1-8 (2-3h meeting/WP) in December and a plenary session was organized for January 14th to summarize the WP1-8 sessions and to give information about management (WP9), ethics and […]

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EAAP 2020 SMARTER session presentations are now available!

SMARTER project hold a session during the EAAP virtual meeting on 4th December 2020. The session was chaired by: Carole Moreno Romieux (INRAE – Project coordinator) and Joanne Conington (SRUC – WP2 leader). Twelve presentations and eight posters were presented. All the presentations are available here.

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SMARTER session at 71 EAAP Annual Meeting!

Don’t miss SMARTER session at the 71st EAAP virtual Annual Meeting! The session is the n. 61 and will be held on Friday morning 4th December chaired by the WP2 leader Joanne Connigton and the coordinator Carole Moreno. Discover all the interventions here!   

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3rd SMARTER newsletter is now available!

The 3rd SMARTER newsletter is now available! Enjoy your reading at: For receiving the future issues please sign up here.

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ICAR Meeting 2021

The ICAR meeting 2020 (Leeuwarden, The Netherlands) has been postponed to April 2021. Given the circumstances due to Coronavirus pandemic, the ICAR/Interbull 2020 conference which was due to take place from June 8th to June 12th, 2020 in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, has been postponed to 2021. The ICAR Board decided to hold the ICAR/Interbull 2021 […]

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SMARTER’s session at EAAP 2020 virtual annual meeting

In light of the uncertainty about the COVID-19 pandemic and the difficulty in making plans about hosting a major International conference, the EAAP 2020 Annual Meeting will be held as virtual event from 1st to 4th December 2020. Before the beginning of the pandemic, in the frame of SMARTER’s Task 8.2 (Dissemination and training for […]

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First batch of practice abstracts for end-users

The first batch of practice abstracts for end-users produced by the partners of the EU project SMARTER (SMAll RuminanTs breeding for Efficiency and Resilience) gathers six abstracts related to the WPs 1, 5 and 6 of the project. A practice abstract is a short summary in easily understandable language, of re-usable results produced by the […]

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International evaluations

Developing international sheep genetic evaluations is a key area of interest within the sheep industry and has particular relevance where high levels of across country trade exist. Currently genetic evaluations are estimated on a within-country basis only, with different countries measuring different traits, weighing at different time points and using different models for genetic analysis. […]

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New stakeholders

In January 2020, two new stakeholders joined the Project and a short profile of each institution is reported. Agris Sardegna (Italy) Agris Sardegna is a Research & Innovation Institute whose seat is in Sassari in the Northern Sardinia. The agency works to promote sustainable development of the agricultural sector and biodiversity in Sardinia. As “Istituto […]

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