This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 772787.

SMARTER Training school

The SMARTER training school took place from 27 to 30 March 2023, in Toulouse, France. The primary aim of the event was to introduce early-stage researchers, technicians and post-docs to the SMARTER project and give them an overview of its various aspects, such as the most recent results obtained and the novel techniques being used inside the project.  A total of 19 students from Italy, France, Spain, Greece, Nigeria, Cyprus, Switzerland and Ireland attended the event.

The training school was divided into four different modules (with 26 presentations) that focused on the various work packages (WP) of the SMARTER project. The modules were led by experts in the field who are directly involved in specific WP within the project. Each module had practical sessions which allowed the students to undertake their own analysis and understand how data is handled and analysed within SMARTER. Moreover, two challenge sessions were conducted during the summer school to give students a hands-on experience of the research being conducted within SMARTER, as well as allowing them to give us feedback directly on the project. The first challenge session involved data analysis to detect stress in animals, using an un-utilised SMARTER dataset. The second challenge session involved undertaking a farmer-based survey to understand their perceptions and what traits they value, and would select for. These challenge sessions provided the students with a chance to apply the knowledge gained during the modules and workshops and gave them a better understanding of the research being conducted in the SMARTER project.

Click here to read the Agenda. The school was recorded, below you will find the video link for the presentations and the pdf presentations.

Module 1: Traits and methods to compute phenotypes

Module 2: Mechanistic and statistical modelling of resilience and feed efficiency

Module 3 – Detecting Stress and evaluating ability to cope with stress

Module 4: How can resilience and efficiency traits impact system performances and modify farmers’ breeding choices