This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 772787.
Other communication activities
SMARTER representatives will attend numerous events where the latest project developments, progresses and results will be presented to the audience.
- INIA-UY Communication Campaign: Pro Ovinos- Towards the recovery of the national sheep flock and its value chains on Charrúa TV, 11th June 2021.
- AUTH interview on ERT National Greek TV channel, 19th April 2021.
- NSG interview Måler utslipp fra sau on Telemark (Norwegian National TV), to inform the civil society about methane emission measurements on sheep, 1st February 2021.
- NSG radio interview on methane emission from sheep. Channel NRK P1+, program “Ferievikarene”, 1st July 2020.
- NSG interview on measurement of methane emission from sheep in the PAC equipment as a part of the SMARTER project. TV program ” NRK – Oslo og Viken”, 24th June 2020.
- INRAE interview on BOUDU magazine, December 2018.
Industry events
- IDELE participated to the CDEO General Assembly in Ordiap (30th June 2023). Presentation: “La sélection génétique des races locales : les atouts du collectif et les enjeux pour demain”.
- CAPGENES, IDELE, INRAE presented in Paris (France, 28th June 2023) the results obtained in SMARTER to the COS, the French goat commission of the herd book (OS) which decides on the evolution of selection objectives for goat breeds in France. Presentations: 1) “Etude de l’intéraction G x E entre système extensive vs système intensif”; 2) “Les indicateurs de santé et bien-être collectés dans le cadre de SMARTER”; 3) “WP6”.
- RDF, IDELE, INRAE, CAPGENES participated to the Workshop “Commission Ovine et Caprine FGE (FGE Sheep and Goat Commission)” in Paris and virtual (France, 27th June 2023). Presentation: 1) “Main practical results of SMARTER”; 2) “Etude de l’intéraction G x E entre système extensive vs système intensif”; 3) “Les indicateurs de santé et bien-être collectés dans le cadre de SMARTER”; 4) “WP6”.
- INIA-UY: Visit Kyrgyzstan Delegation – World Bank, Agriculture and education ministers at INIA Las Brujas, Canelones (Uruguay, 21st June 2023). Presentation: “Mejora genética en ganadería y su aporte a los compromisos ambientales”.
- NSG participated to the Avlsrådsmøte event in Gardermoen (Norway, 15th June 2023). Presentation: “Arbeidsområdet «Klima og bærekraft»”.
- UNILEON and OVIGEN participated to the XXV Foro Nacional Ovino in Valladolid (Spain, 6th June 2023). Presentation: “Resultados del proyecto SMARTER: caracteres de eficiencia y resiliencia en ovino” (UNILEON).
- TEAGASC participated to the virtual UK Texel Breed Development Committee (22nd May 2023). Presentation: “Breeding for reduced greenhouse gas emissions in sheep”.
- Visit by Dartmoor farmers and advisors at SRUC farm in Crianlarich (United Kingdom, 17th May 2023). Oral presentation: “Breeding for feed efficiency and climate resilience” and discussion during the farm tour.
- INIA-UY: Chilean Coop visits to Uruguay at INIA Las Brujas, Canelones (Uruguay, 17th May 2023). Presentation: “Herramientas genéticas al servicio de la Agroecología”.
- INIA-UY participated to the Merilin breed Tour 2023 in Artigas (Uruguay, 15th April 2023). Presentation: “Raza Merilin: avances genéticos”.
- Visit by Victoria Ballantyne (Nuffield Scholar) at SRUC farm in Crianlarich (United Kingdom, 27th March 2023). Oral presentation: “Breeding for feed efficiency and climate resilience” and discussion during the farm tour.
- INIA-UY organised a virtual Meeting Chargeurs – GUCCI (27th March 2023). Presentation: “Predictomics applied to Regenerative agriculture”.
- SRUC Hill and Mountain Research Centre advisory committee farm tour and meeting in Crianlarich (United Kingdom, 20th March 2023). Oral presentation: “Breeding for feed efficiency and climate resilience” and discussion during the farm tour.
- INIA-UY had a meeting with the SC Corriedale in Montevideo (Uruguay, 19th December 2022). Presentation: “Primera prueba de eficiencia y emisiones de metano de carneros comerciales”.
- TEAGASC participated to a meeting with meat processor (Irish Country Meats) in Wexford (Ireland, 1st December 2022). Presentation: “Greenhouse gas emissions from the Irish sheep sector”.
- TEXELS presented the flyer “You’re invited – Showcasing Smarter Sheep Science” during the Sheep Breeders’ Round Table in Derby (United Kingdom, 22nd November 2022).
- SRUC participated to the Sheep Breeders Round Table 2022 in East Midlands (United Kingdom, 11th November 2022). Presentation: “Strategies to mitigate methane emissions from pasture-based sheep systems”.
- INIA-UY organised the “Presentación Chargeurs – GUCCI kickoff” (virtual, 3rd November 2022). Presentation: “Prediction of genetic level for main traits”.
- UNILEON and OVIGEN participated to the Assafe Technical Seminar at OVINNOVA in Zamora (Spain, 27th October 2022) to present a summary of SMARTER’s main results (WP1). Presentation: “El proyecto SMARTER: Mejora de la eficiencia y la resiliencia en pequeños ruminates”(UNILEON).
- TEAGASC participated to the virtual AHDB Seminar (26th October 2022). Presentation: “Breeding for reduced GHG”.
- INIA-UY participated to the workshop “Ganadería Regenerativa, Lanas Trinidad – Chargeurs” in Salto (Uruguay, 25th October 2022): Presentation: “Predicción Genómica al servicio de la Agroecología”.
- INIA-UY participated to the workshop “Pensando en el “Merino 2035” in Salto (Uruguay, 19th October 2022). Presentations: 1) “Nuevas características en evaluación”; 2) “Inclusión de herramientas genómicas: Merino 2022”.
- RDF and IDELE participated to the Groupe génétique du CNBL (French Dairy Sheep Committee) in Toulouse (France, 18th October 2022). Presentation: “Validation et analyse génétique de critères d’efficience alimentaire”.
- INRAE organised a seminar about goat health in France (10th October 2022) to present the work done in WP’s throughout the project. Presentation: “Le béta-hydroxybutyrate, un nouveau marqueur pour étudier le métabolisme énergétique chez la chèvre?”.
- TEAGASC gave an update of research results to Meat Industry Ireland in Maynooth (Ireland, 12th September 2022). Presentation: “How much impact is genetics having on carcass quality and eating quality”.
- NSG participated to the Dyrsku’n i Seljord exhibition in Seljord (Norway, 9th – 11th September 2022). A flyer “Metanmåleren -på vei mot et lavere klimaavtrykk” was distributed.
- Visit of the experimental station at INIA-UY Glencoe (6th September 2022) by a delegation of farmers from the Falkland Islands to Uruguay (to different farms and institutions). Presentation: “Sheep Genetics for increasing feed efficiency and reducing methane emissions”.
- OVIGEN participated to the Livestock Exhibition SALAMAQ in Salamanca (Spain, 5th September 2022).
- UNIDEB distributed flyers to sheeps and goats’ breeders to inform them about SMARTER project results obtained in Hungary (September 2022). English Scientific flyer – English Informative flyer – Hungarian Scientific flyer – Hungarian Informative flyer.
- INIA-UY participated to the workshop “Producción de carne y lana cuidando el ambiente. Agregando valor, productividad y estabilidad” in Sequeira (Uruguay, 16th August 2022). Presentation: “El aporte de la genética ganadera: Una mirada Agroecológica”.
- INIA-UY participated to the Comisión Técnica Corriedale Breed in Montevideo (Uruguay, 15th August 2022). Presentation: “Predictómica Agroecológica – Corriedale”.
- TEXELS participated to the Mexican National Organisation of Sheep Farmers National Meeting (online, 29th July 2022). Presentation: “Genomics of sheep selection”.
- TEXELS participated to the trade fair NSA Sheep Event in Malvern (United Kingdom, 27th July 2022) to give an update on SMARTER project and discuss with the English breeders.
- INRAE, IDELE, RDF and CAPGENES organised a virtual meeting with the France Génétique Elevage (1st July 2022) to give an update on SMARTER project to French stakeholders (breeders and breeding organisations). Presentations: 1) “Principales avancées du project européen”; 2) “SMARTER – données OA collectées en ferme”; 3) “Quels besoins à la fin du project SMARTER? Les cas des caprins”.
- RDF organised a virtual meeting to give an update on SMARTER project to French stakeholders (breeders and breeding organisations), and about SMARTER program (all WPs) and to organize a round table between breeders involved in the program, scientists and stakeholders (1st July 2022).
- RDF organised a meeting in Villers Bocage (France, 28th June 2022) to give an update on SMARTER project to French stakeholders (breeders and breeding organisations), and about SMARTER program (all WPs) and to organize a round table between breeders involved in the program, scientists and stakeholders.
- IDELE participated to the Comite de filière ovine (sheep industry committee) virtual and in Normandy (France, 28th June 2022). Short presentation to give an update on the progress of the SMARTER project.
- INIA-UY participated to the Gira Raza Texel 2022 in Tacuarembó (Uruguay, 23rd June 2022). Presentation: “Investigación genética en la raza Texel: Eficiencia y Resiliencia”.
- OVIGEN organised a meeting with farmers in Zamora (Spain, 23rd June 2022). Surveys about genetic improvement in SMARTER Proyect were made.
- ARAL organised a webinar for breeders and technicians to present WP6 results and to plan goats’ future targets in genetics (17th June 2022). Presentations: 1) “Evoluzione storica e situazione attuale della genetica caprina in Italia” (ARAL); 2) “Prospettive future della genetica caprina in Italia ed in Europa” (ARAL); 3) “Alleanza Caprina Italo francese: Il Punto Di Vista Francese” (CAPGENES).
- INIA-UY participated to the Gira Raza IDEAL 2022 (annual tour) in Rivera (Uruguay, 8th June 2022). Presentation: “Evaluaciones genéticas en la Raza Ideal: el desafío”.
- INIA-UY organised a Farmers visit to Glencoe – CREA Groups in Paysandú (Uruguay, 7th June 2022). Presentation: “Last sheep research”.
- INIA-UY participated to the workshop “Gira Merilin breed” in Lavalleja (Uruguay, 10th May 2022). Presentation: “Genética + Ambiente para valorizar la producción ovina”.
- IDELE organised the Gran Angle Ovin, 5 sites connected Paris, Beaucouzé, Limoges, Toulouse et Laxou (6th May 2022) To present what are the results of SMARTER and how the selection can help the future challenges in sheep.
- IDELE participated to the Journées Techniques Caprines in Marseille (France, 29th – 30th April 2022). Poster: “Milk cysts and udder unbalances: what’s new? Prospects for the developpement of an evaluation”.
- IDELE and INRAE organised a virtual meeting to give an update on SMARTER project to French breeders and breeding organisations, especially on-farm protocols (WP1 &WP2) and about SMARTER program (28th April 2022). Oral presentation.
- ARAL organised a webinar for breeders and technicians to present WP6 results and to plan goats’ future targets in genetics (27th April 2022). Presentations: 1) “Alleanza Caprina Italo francese: Il Punto Di Vista Italiano” (ARAL); 2) “Evoluzione storica e situazione attuale della genetica caprina in Francia” (CAPGENES); 3) “Prospettive future della genetica caprina in Francia ed in Europa” (CAPGENES).
- IDELE participated to the General Assembly CDEO Breeding Company in Ordiap (France, 15th April 2022). Set of slides on global warming and agro-ecological transition: on-going work and results of SMARTER project.
- SRUC participated to the online Texel Sheep Society winter seminar series (11th April 2022). Presentation: “Tools to breed sheep with lower methane emissions”.
- INIA-UY organised a Farmers visit to Glencoe — CREA Pintado in Tacuarembó (Uruguay, 7th April 2022). Presentation: “Sheep projects”.
- INIA-UY organised a Farmers visit to Glencoe – CREA Queguay in Paysandú (Uruguay, 6th April 2022). Presentation: ”Sheep research-last results”.
- CAPGENES organised local meetings with CAPGENES technicians, partners and breeders to share genetics actualities in 15 French departments (France, March – April 2022). Presentation: “SMARTER Projet Advancement”.
- RDF organised a virtual meeting to give an update on SMARTER project to French stakeholders (breeders and breeding organisations), especially on-farm protocols (WP1 &WP2) and about SMARTER program (23rd March 2022). Presentation: “CTOA_Smarter”.
- INIA-UY organised a visit of the Breeders society Merino Dohne to La Magnolia and Glencoe Tacuarembó (Uruguay, 22nd March 2022). Presentation: “Investigación y desarrollo en la raza Merino Dohne”.
- IDELE participated to the France Génétique Elevage virtual meeting (22nd March 2022) to present results obtained on SMARTER project on udder health to French stakeholders (breeders and breeding organisations).
- SRUC participated to the online Scottish Sheep Industry Conference (19th January 2022). Presentations: 1) “Genomic selection for footrot and mastitis”; 2) “Breeding for reduced methane emissions”; 3) “Breeding for resistance to parasites” (video presentation at 1h35).
- CAPGENES organised a meeting with local goat breed association in Brousse (France, 4th – 5th January 2022. Exchange long time on how use snp to better understand and manage genetic variability, reflection how Smarter will make it possible to better understand European caprine genetic variability and reflect on the adaptation of local breeds to their environment.
- NEIKER organized a technical event in “Jornada controladores y tecnicos de ovino de raza Latxa” in Irurtzun (Spain, 14th December 2021) for field technicians of the sheep breeder’s confederation (CONFELAC). Presentation: “Jornada controladores y tecnicos de ovino de raza Latxa”.
- IDELE organised a meeting with breeders in Paris (France, 3rd December 2021) to present results obtained on SMARTER project on udder health to French stakeholders.
- TEAGASC participated to the Irish Farmers Association workshop in Athenry (Ireland, 1st December 2021). Presentation: “Sheep genetics research”.
- INIA-UY participated to the industry event “Eficiencia alimentar em ovinos” in Sao Pablo (Brasil, 25th November 2021). Presentation: “Eficiencia de conversion del alimento Uruguai”.
- INIA-UY participated to the workshop “Aportes científicos y tecnológicos a las trayectorias agroecológicas” in Las Brujas (Uruguay, 25th November 2021). Presentation: “Tecnologías con foco en la productividad y calidad”.
- RDF organised a meeting in Paris (France, (24th November 2021) to give an update on SMARTER project to French stakeholders (breeders and breeding organisations), especially on-farm protocols (WP1 &WP2) and about SMARTER program.
- INIA-UY participated to the Jornada: Pensando Juntos la Corriedale 2030 in Tacuarembó (Uruguay, 19th November 2021). Presentations: 1) “Corriedale en La Magnolia – 2021”; 2) “Propuesta de evaluación genómica y prueba de comportamiento”.
- INIA-UY participated to the Jornada-Taller INIA-SUL-SCTU in Las Brujas (Uruguay, 17th November 2021). Presentations: 1) “Evaluación Genética Texel: Camino recorrido”; 2) “Eficiencia y emisiones de metano en la raza Texel”; 3) “Estudios Genómicos en Texel”.
- INIA-UY participated to the Gira anual Dohne Breed 2021 in Florida (Uruguay, 9th November 2021). Presentations: 1) “Merino Dohne 2017-2021”; 2) “Evaluación Genética Nacional Merino Dohne. INIA-SUL-SCMDU”.
- NSG organized 2 meetings with sheep breeders: 1) Presentation: “NSG actions to reduce GHG”– Rogaland (Norway 15thOctober 2021); 2) Presentation: “NSG actions to reduce GHG” – Sogn og Fjordane (Norway, 29th October 2021).
- TEXELS gave a report to Society Breed Development Committee on progress of data collection and description of data collected in Leamington Spa (United Kingdom, October 2021).
- RDF organised a virtual meeting to give an update on SMARTER project to French stakeholders (breeders and breeding organisations), especially on-farm protocols (WP1 &WP2) and about SMARTER program (28th September 2021). Presentation: “CTOA_Smarter”.
- ARAL organized 5 meetings with Italian goats’ breeders and technicians (from July 2020 to October 2021) to give an update on SMARTER project, WP7 interview and survey presentation.
- IDELE and INRAE organised two workshop to give an update on SMARTER project to French stakeholders, especially on results on WP1 on-farm protocols: 1) Saint-Affrique (France, 23rdSeptember 2021), presentation “Set of slides on results on WP1 on-farm protocol in Lacaune breed”; 2) Ordiap (France, 24th September 2021), presentation “Set of slides on results on WP1 on-farm protocol in Pyrenean breeds”. In both the events the following presentations were given: 1) “Introduction_Restitution SMARTER_IRMA_Cyclicité”; 2) “SMARTER_cyclicite_P4_lait_Aveyron”.
- OVIGEN participated to the Livestock Exhibition SALAMAQ in Salamanca with a stand to give information about SMARTER project (Spain, September 2021).
- TEXELS participated to four trade fairs in Welshpool (Welsh National), Worcester (English National), Lanark (Scottish National) and Bellymena (NI National) to give an update on SMARTER project and discuss with the English breeders (United Kingdom, August/September 2021).
- TEXELS organised the Texel National Show in Carlisle (United Kingdom, 30th July 2021) to give an update on SMARTER project and discuss with the English breeders.
- SRUC participated to a virtual meeting with Goat Improvement Group (8th July 2021).
- SRUC participated to the workshop “Breeding solutions to improve sheep health” (virtual meeting, 6th July 2021).
- TEXELS participated to three trade fairs in Devon (Devon County Show), Edinburgh (Royal Highland Show) and Harrogate (Great Yorkshire Show) to give an update on SMARTER project and discuss with the English breeders (United Kingdom, June/July 2021).
- TEAGASC participated to the virtual Sheep Ireland Industry Seminar (29th April 2021). Presentation: “Using carcass data to predict Days to Slaughter more effectively”.
- CAPGENES participated to a meeting to give an update on SMARTER project to French stakeholders (breeders and breeding organisations) in Aveyron (France, 8th April 2021). Presentation: “Etat avancement du project SMARTER”.
- IDELE, RDF and INRAE organised three meetings to give an update on SMARTER project to French stakeholders (breeders and breeding organisations), especially on-farm protocols (WP1 &WP2) and about SMARTER program: 1) Virtual meeting (23rd February 2021), oral presentation; 2) Virtual meeting (3rd June 2021), presentation: “CTOA_Smarter”; 3) Saint -Affrique (France, 22nd June 2021), oral presentation.
- TEXELS participated to a workshop as Guest speaker with breeders club discussing all aspects of Texel research (virtual, 27th January 2021). Presentation: “Texel Society research and breed development”.
- TEXELS gave a report on Society research and development activities to a regional club membership (Virtual, January 2021).
- INIA-UY participated to the virtual 11th Technical meeting CRILU in Tacuarembó (Uruguay, 21st December 2020). Presentation: “Animales con historia”.
- IDELE, RDF and INRAE organised some meetings to give an update on SMARTER project to French stakeholders (breeders and breeding organisations), especially on-farm protocols (WP1 &WP2) and present the first results: 1) Langeac (France, 2nd -3rd September 2020), two presentations: “SMARTER Phénotypage en ferme OA” and “SMARTER rappel project”; 2) Virtual meeting (29th September 2020), presentation: “Dissemination_FGE_CTOA_SMARTER_GTG_WP1”; 3) Gaillac (France, 20th October 2020), presentation: “OVIN LAITIER – protocole SMARTER brebis – campagne 2020”.
- RDF organised a meeting to give an update on SMARTER project to French stakeholders (breeders and breeding organisations) in Vendee (France, 16th and 17th September 2020);
- INIA-UY participated to the event Corriedale 2030 in Montevideo (Uruguay, 16th September 2020) with the presentation: “CORRIEDALE 2030, Project pitch and productive results”.
- SRUC organised an online workshop “Q&A session regarding sheep breeding topics with RISS sheep data group” to discuss Concepts and application of R&D (19th August 2020).
- IDELE, RDF, INRAE and CAPGENES participated to the virtual France Génétique Elevage meeting (25th June 2020) to give an update on SMARTER project to French stakeholders (breeders and breeding organisations), especially on-farm protocols (WP1 &WP2). Presentation: “Dissemination FGE”
- SRUC and TEXELS organised an online workshop “Discussion – Key aspects of using VIA data for carcass evaluation” to discuss results and potential future implementation (29th April 2020).
- INIA-UY made a presentation “Proposal for genetic research with the Texel breed” during the Texel Breeders Meeting (INIA Las Brujas, Canelones, Uruguay, 22nd January 2020).
- IDELE organised a meeting with French breeders in Paris (France, 28th June 2019) to give them update on the protocols and get feedback.
- ARAL organized 11 meetings with Italian goats’ breeders (from January 2019 to January 2020) to present SMARTER project.
- INIA-UY participated to the 10th Technical meeting CRILU in Tacuarembó (Uruguay, 15th December 2019). Presentation: “Núcleo ultrafino Glencoe: una nueva entrega – nuevos productos”.
- SRUC presented SMARTER activities to industry at the following events: a) iTEXEL (17/11/2018); b) Industry meeting (held virtually on 29/04/2019) with key abattoir sector and terminal sire sheep meat breeders to showcase proposed new abattoir-derived carcass evaluation and health traits; c) Sheep Breeders’ Round Table November (15-17/11/2019). And during the following Industry Events: a) Highland Sheep (12/06/2019); b) National Sheep Association North Sheep (5/05/2019); c) Royal Highland Show (20-23 June 2019).
- TEXELS participated to the following Industry events: a) NSA Sheep Northern Ireland 2019 (7/1/2019); b) NSA Welsh Sheep 2019 (21/5/2019); c) NSA North Sheep 2019 (5/6/2019); d) NSA Sheep South West 2019 (18/6/2019); e) Sheep Breeders’ Round Table November (16/11/2019).
- INIA-UY participated to the Workshop “Mejoramiento genético ganadero en Uruguay: perspectivas y desafíos” in Las Brujas (Uruguay, 13th May 2019). Presentation: “Estado Actual de las Evaluaciones Genéticas. Current Status of Genetic evaluations”.
- INIA-UY participated to the Workshop IV Seminario sobre Mejoramiento genético Ovino in Arapey, Salto (Uruguay, 20th November 2018). Presentation: “Genética contra parásitos: Resistencia y resiliencia”
- SRUC training course “Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Systems – The power of data” in Crianlarich (United Kingdom, 23rd May 2023). Oral presentation: “The power of data in breeding for production, feed efficiency and climate resilience”.
- Visit by Glasgow University retired staff association at SRUC farm in Crianlarich (United Kingdom, 17th May 2023). Oral presentation: “Breeding for feed efficiency and climate resilience” and discussion during the farm tour.
- INIA-UY participated to the Clase de grado, Univerdidad ORT – Tecnología de alimentos in Montevideo (Uruguay, 30th April 2023). Presentation: “Emisiones de metano y rol de la microbiota ruminal”.
- INIA-UY organised a virtual “Tour biotecnológico: aportes a la bioeconomía y producción sostenible” for the “Red STEAM Latinoamericana en Biotecnología” (28th April 2023). Presentation: “Omicas” y mejora genética animal: aporte a la sostenibilidad”.
- INIA-UY: Integrity project delegation visited INIA in Tacuarembó Uruguay, 24th April 2023). Presentation: “Efficiency and resilience”.
- INIA-UY participated to the online course “Transiciones agroecológicas en el marco de intervenciones territoriales específicas – Senda Agroecológica (convocatoria 2022)”, (20th April 2023). Presentation: “Mejoramiento genético agroecológico”.
- Visit by member of the House of Lords, SRUC Principle and senior management at SRUC farm in Crianlarich (United Kingdom, 31st March 2023). Oral presentation: “Breeding for feed efficiency and climate resilience” and discussion during the farm tour.
- Visit by Jóhannes Sveinbjörnsson (Agricultural University of Iceland) at SRUC farm in Crianlarich (United Kingdom, 27th March 2023). Oral presentation: “Breeding for feed efficiency and climate resilience” and discussion during the farm tour.
- CAPGENES organised a bi-annual meeting with French scientist (UMT) to give a SMARTER Project Advancement and outlook (Online, 9th March 2023).
- UEDIN gave a Guest lecture at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) post-graduate course in animal husbandry and breeding in Uppsala (Sweden, 2nd March 2023). Presentation: “Breeding for disease resistance and resilience in farm animals”.
- Visit by Student’s visit from Harper Adams University at SRUC farm in Crianlarich (United Kingdom, 22nd February 2023). Oral presentation: “Breeding for feed efficiency and climate resilience” and discussion during the farm tour.
- SRUC oral presentation “Genotyping and recording health traits” at student’s visit from Harper Adams University in Edinburgh (United, Kingdom, 20th February 2023) and discussion during the farm tour.
- SRUC online lecture – Animals at the Centre of Global Issues Module (14th February 2023). Presentation: “The role of animal science in addressing global issues – Sheep and Cattle”.
- INIA-UY participated to the Course: “Introducción al enfoque agroecológico en sistemas productivos” at INIA Las Brujas in Canelones (Uruguay, 13th December 2022). Presentation: “Transiciones agroecológicas en los sistemas ganaderos: situación actual y oportunidades”.
- INIA-UY participated to the Course “Actualización producción ovina” in Bariloche (Argentina, 14th November 2022). Presentations: 1) “Valorización de la producción ovina: animales, personas, ambiente”; 2) “Explorando la eficiencia de conversión del alimento”.
- SRUC Applied Animal Science student visit to Hill & Mountain Research Centre in Crianlarich (United Kingdom, 22nd October 2022). Oral presentation “Research update linked to climate change” and discussion during the farm tour.
- CAPGENES organised a bi-annual meeting with French scientist (UMT) in Toulouse (France, 13th – 14th October 2022) to give a SMARTER Project Advancement and outlook.
- INIA-UY participated to the workshop” Inducción Dirección Regional” in Las Brujas, Canelones (Uruguay 22nd September 2022). Presentation: “Plataforma de investigación en ovinos”.
- INIA-UY organised a visit to Uruguay Nuffield Scholars in Tacuarembó (Uruguay, 24th August 2022). Presentation: “Efficiency and resilience”.
- INIA-UY organised a visit to Uruguay Nuffield Scholars in San Gregorio (Uruguay, 23rd August 2022). Presentation: “Genetics tools for Agroecological Breeding of sheep in Uruguay”.
- INIA-UY made a presentation to the course: “Producción de Fibras textiles de origen animal” at the Veterinary Faculty in Montevideo (Uruguay, 22nd August 2022). Presentation: “Genética Agroecológica: El caso Merino Uruguayo”.
- INIA-UY made a presentation to the online course: “Producción de Fibras textiles de origen animal” (15th August 2022). Presentation: “Construyendo la oveja del futuro”.
- INIA-UY organised an INTA’s techincal tour in Tacuarembó (Uruguay, 27th July 2022). Presentation: “Last sheep research”.
- OVIGEN participated to the training course to give information about SMARTER project in Zamora (Spain, 15th July 2022). Presentation: “Smarter proyect : genetic sheep”.
- INIA-UY organised the INIA’s open day in Tacuarembó (Uruguay, 24th June 2022). Video.
- UNILEON participated in the European Researchers’ Night 2022 in Castilla y León (Spain, 9th June 2022). The research proposal related to SMARTER project was presented. Video: “SMARTER: Mejora genética de pequeños rumiantes para eficiencia y resiliencia”.
- INIA-UY organised a Visit of the Escuela Agraria de Montevideo (students) in Las Brujas (Uruguay, 4th May 2022). Presentation: “Mejora genética ovina: una red de trabajo”.
- SRUC participated to the Research Student Day at University of Edinburgh in Edimburgh (United Kingdom, 5th April 2022). Presentation: “Including genotypic data in breeding values for mastitis in sheep increases accuracy of prediction”.
- The Minister for Agricultural visited TEAGASC in Athenry (Ireland, 7th March 2022). Presentation: “Sheep Genetic Research”.
- SRUC online lecture – Animals at the Centre of Global Issues Module (15th February 2022). Presentation: “The role of animal science in addressing global issues – Sheep and Cattle”.
- UEDIN Summer school: Data-driven breeding and genetics at University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom, 26th November 2021). Presentation: “Breeding for disease resistance and resilience in farm animals”.
- SRUC gave an update of SRUC sheep research to North Wyke sheep research group (United Kingdom, 29th October 2021).
- INIA-UY participated to the Semana Académica de la Universidad Nacional del Este – Paraguay in Asunción (Paraguay, 20th October 2021). Presentation: “Genómica ovina y sus aplicaciones en los programas de mejoramiento genético”.
- NSG provided information about GHG emission and GHG actions at the Norwegian Association of Sheep and Goat Breeders to the students at the agricultural university NMBU. Presentation: “Klimatiltak i NSG” (18/08/2021).
- INIA-UY participated to the virtual Sheep course- Agronomy Faculty – UdelaR (16th August 2021). Presentation: “Un negocio que inicia en un programa de mejora genética”.
- OVIGEN organised a training course in Zamora to give information about SMARTER project (Spain, July 2021).
- TEAGASC organised an Inservice training to Teagasc sheep advisory service in Athenry (Ireland, 6th July 2021). Presentation: “Genetics Research”.
- INIA-UY participated to the virtual Sheep course- Agronomy Faculty – UdelaR (16th June 2021). Presentation: “Un negocio que inicia en un programa de mejora genética”.
- UEDIN gave a Lecture on One Health and Comparative Animal Model post-graduate Course at the University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom, 26th March 2021). Presentation: “Modelling infectious disease transmission”.
- UEDIN Msc course on “Quantitative Genetics and Genome analysis” at the University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom, 7th March 2021). Presentation: “Breeding for disease resistance and resilience in farm animals”.
- SRUC participated to Eastbio student seminar (Online, 24th February 2021). Presentation: “Tools to breed sheep with lower methane emissions”.
- UEDIN gave a Lecture on One Health and Comparative Animal Model post-graduate Course at the University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom, 2nd December 2020). Presentation: “Combining genetic and other approaches to improve disease resilience in animal populations”.
- INIA-UY participated in the Iberoamerican Researchers’ Night (part of European Researchers’ Night) in Montevideo (Uruguay, 27th November 2020) with the proposal “Spain-Uruguay linked by sheep: from the Adelantados to genomics”. It was an activity aimed at high school students and the general public. The current research proposal related to SMARTER project was also presented. The full presentation can be found on YouTube.
- UEDIN gave a Lecture on One Health and Comparative Animal Model post-graduate Course at the University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom, 5th October 2020). Presentation: “Methods to control the spread of infectious diseases in animal and human populations”.
- TEAGASC participated in a panel discussion in the “breeding and genetics session” within the TEAGASC sheep virtual week 2020, (22/09/2020).
- INIA-UY made a presentation “It is possible to innovate in sheep: the case of Fine Merino in Uruguay” at the Veterinary Faculty course in Montevideo (Uruguay, 21st August 2020).
- INIA-UY participated to the virtual Sheep course- Agronomy Faculty – UdelaR (28th July 2020). Presentation: “Un negocio que inicia en un programa de mejora genética”.
- INIA-UY participated to the virtual Sheep course- Agronomy Faculty – UdelaR (11th June 2020). Presentation: “Un negocio que inicia en un programa de mejora genética”.
- UEDIN Msc course on “Quantitative Genetics and Genome analysis” at the University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom, 15th March 2020). Presentation: “Breeding for disease resistance and resilience in farm animals”.
- NSG provided information on project activities about portable accumulation chambers (PAC) equipment to measure methane emission of sheeps on commercial farms to the Norwegian Agricultural University (three times between November 2018 – April 2020) and the Landbrukets Klimaselskap AS (consortium of 16 Norwegian agricultural organizations).
- INRAE made an oral presentation of the project during the joint event organized in Brussels by Fitter Livestock Farming “What R&I can deliver to support climate mitigation and adaptation in livestock farming” (Belgium, 6th November 2019). Moreover, a poster was presented and some brochures distributed.
- INIA-UY made a presentation “Eficiencia de conversión del alimento y emisión de metano” at the Veterinary Faculty course in Montevideo (Uruguay, 26th July 2019).
- Visit of Interbull Center in Uppsala (Sweden, 27th – 28th May 2019). IDELE presentation: “SMARTER: a European project on selection on efficiency and resilience in small ruminants with strong ICAR commitment and implication”.
- UNILEON presented SMARTER activities within ASSAFE management committees, in collaboration with OVIGEN (June 2019) and within the ANCHE Breeding program management committee (21st May 2019 in Palencia, Spain).